The best pet lead on the market
There are a hundred of pet leads on the market, but Klipeze is a new revolutionised clip design to make your life with your dog/pet easier.
It all started with an idea from Matt Spencer as he got frustrated taking his dog to the beach and as she was so excited, he found that it was hard for him to release her from her dog lead. Matt worked with Bevan Geue, and asked for some help to develop a new design together which would make this process easier and quicker. They designed and developed a concept which has been refined over the past 3 years, ensuring that it will be the best product we can sell. We have had a lot of help from friends and family to get us to this stage. This product will help pet owners around the world that don’t like the normal style clip that been used for years.
The best part of this product is its quick release operation. When you get to your local dog park/beach or just returning home from a walk, it is the quick release mechanism that makes it much easier to release than the common clip being used on most leads. The revolutionary design makes it so easy for the clip to be released from the dog especially when it is under tension from the dog tugging and pulling.
Additionally, the material used for the lead is light and compact and the overall general weight of the lead is a lot less that most leads currently on the market. Because of this design it can easily be put in your pocket while you’re down the beach or at the park. This means you don’t have to wear it around your body or carry it. This is one feature that Matt and Bevan really appreciate and have worked on, as both found that carrying their current lead/and or wearing them around their body was not something they wanted to do.
Over the development years we have tried several different materials for the clip design and the material for the lead. Within the last 12 months we have tested and refined the clip to make the final product. This product again has been tested by several dog owners, and feedback is that the current material has the strength and compact needs to best suit its use. The final product being made using a 30% glass filled Nylon for the outer cover and all the components inside using 316 stainless steel. The lead material is a high strength seatbelt nylon which is very light weight. This means it will handle all conditions, including down the beach and harsh outdoor use.
Finally, the Klipeze clip is so easy to attach that it will fit on any collar, as well as collars manufactured by Klipeze. Klipeze collars will be released shortly and are guaranteed to compliment the Klipeze lead and will make the attachment and release even easier.
Overall, Matt and Bevan believe they have revolutionised the pet lead design, and have additional designs that will compliment, and add value to the Klipeze brand. We have bigger ideas for the future and cannot wait to introduce these moving forward.
We are pet owners and love our pets and we hope that we and the Klipeze brand can make your life, with your pet easier, step by step.
Thank you from Matt and Bevan